2 July 2014

How PR can be like learning to hike in a pair of heels

How PR is like learning to hike in a pair of heels

I’m not sure about the rest of you but when I chose the PR path, I was under the (false) impression that it was going to be cobbled with fancy pants parties, a whole bunch of freebies from luxury clients and an income that would mean Dior and Dolce would immediately become mere staples in a wardrobe decked out in designer threads.

Well, suffice to say, I was quickly shaken out of the Tree of Grandeur Illusion, thrust onto the road to reality and sent on my merry way.

During the time I’ve spent in the PR industry, I find myself at times likening it to what one could fathom it’s like learning to hike in a pair of heels; the journey has had its metaphorical moments of teetering, toppling and twisting ankles but you’re still always able to find a way to stand up, brush yourself off and continue to strut to the peak like a boss.

Both take some time to get used to

PR and hiking in heels are two things that can’t be solely taught from a textbook. It’s not like mathematics where 1+1 always equals two. So much of the skills required to achieve success can only be acquired by learning on your feet (pun totally intended) as you go. There will be moments where you’ll wonder why you thought it was worth it, but then a switch will flip and you won’t remember how you ever felt like it was anything less than second nature.

Both can (and will) be painful at some stage

During the journey, you will occasionally stumble upon instances that are more demanding or challenging than others. You may want to cry or quit or curl up with a tub of ice cream and host a one-person pity party but your survival instincts will kick in and you’ll fight through whatever ailment is troubling you, be it burn out or blisters. So grit your teeth, smack a smile on your dial and keep on keeping on; you’ll soon see the light at the end of the tunnel.

 Both will see you fall into a couple of pits and potholes

Falling on your face at some stage is a given but it’s about how you react to the stack that matters; you can either bounce up or break down. As the Japanese proverb goes, “fall seven times, get up eight times.” Use mistakes and stumbling blocks to better learn how to navigate around potential hazards and more successfully mitigate similar risks in the road. Because, trust me, you won’t topple down the same ditch twice.

 Both will toughen you up and test your resolve

Developing true character, compassion and genuine appreciation for success (and for life in general) doesn’t come from easy wins or by triumphing in a one-man race; they come from being pushed to your absolute limits and prevailing even though it sometimes seemed like everything was against you. If people tell you your dreams or ideas are impossible to achieve, go drink a cup of concrete (figuratively speaking, of course), harden your resolve and just prove them wrong.  Not only will they appreciate your tenacity; they outcome will be nothing but beneficial to your own development. 

Both will make success seem sweeter than you could ever have predicted

When you land that massive account you’ve put your entire soul into winning or you secure a game-changing chunk of coverage for a client, every single second you put into reaching that pinnacle will be worth its weight in positivity, pride and praise. You may be exhausted to the point of delirium but you will find whatever small speck of energy remains to kick up those same heels you’ve learnt how to hike up hills in so damn well.

7 March 2014

For the Love of Consignment

Ok, ok; I’ll admit it. I’m a fashion disciple. In my Bible (aka Vogue), JC stands for Jimmy Choo not Jesus Christ (please pardon the blasphemy).

However, when I voluntarily flung myself out of the proverbial nest last year, my relationship with shopping went through a brutal transition and was no longer classified as priority numero uno; apparently becoming a "fully functional" adult meant putting shelter before shoes and food before frocks (I know, I know…what a drag). 

As my dejected compulsive spending tendencies wept by the wayside, it was a wake up call that was warmly welcomed by my credit card.

But as I sat there sadly contemplating a life in which I had less shoes and more money in savings, the fighting instinct in me kicked in. I would not be defeated or dictated by my limited disposable income. I would find a way to get what I wanted without putting myself on the Repo Squad's radar or having to beg for frivolity funds from the Bank of Daddy.

And then the light bulb moment came.

Off course!

The female-friendly 'C' word!


And I'm not talking thrift or op shopping.

I'm talking upscale, on trend resale shopping that will not break the bank. Whoop whoop!

I'm talking more specifically about Red Finch Boutique.

Red Finch is a beautiful boutique, located in Melbourne's north eastern suburb of Eltham, where women can buy new and '2nd flight' designer and top label fashions at an affordable price.

Alex Perry. Ruth Tarvydas. Alannah Hill. Sass&Bide. Zimmerman. Jayson Brunsden. Miu Miu. 

Oh the list goes on and on and it won't lead you into the poor house.

One of my favourite Red Finch purchases...it came with the tags still on it, 70% off the ticketed price

Red Finch Boutique also stocks new lines including Spencer & Rutherford (which is always sold below RRP), Sassy Duck accessories and Shanghai freshwater pearls.

Spencer & Rutherford

The shop also supports and nurtures budding creative talent by showcasing both an aspiring jeweller and a fashion designer at any given time - in store now are Flourish Jewellery and The Gorjess Closet.

Flourish Jewellery and The Gorjess Closet

Don't live close enough to pop in and shop? No worries!

You can visit Red Finch Boutique's eBay store - they ship domestically and internationally. Genius!

And for all you new mothers out there, there will be a new segment of the boutique launching in store SOON called "Red Finch Nest". I've had a sneak peak of the teeny tiny baby adorableness that will be available to buy for bubs (all new lines) and let me tell you, it's where I'll be getting all my infant offerings from for friends who pop out new little people.

From a positive community support perspective, Red Finch Boutique is a strong advocate of the Breast Cancer Network Australia and the shop raises funds for the organisation by hosting various charity events throughout the year.

"Spring Into Racing" (BCNA fundraiser)

Red Finch Boutique will be moving to a new shop front this month (40 Commercial Place, Eltham 3095) and to celebrate the very exciting transition, I have a gorgeous gift pack to GIVEAWAY to one lucky reader.

A new nest for Red Finch Boutique

Valued at $284, the goodies will be packed in a stunning Spencer & Rutherford tote bag and include:

- a Champagne Popper
- a strand of freshwater pearls
- freshwater pearl earrings
- a Sassy Duck pashmina scarf
- a Red Finch traveller coffee cup

If you would like the chance to win all this, all you have to do is "like" Little Miss Lou Who and Red Finch Boutique on Facebook and then in the comments below this post, tell me what is your greatest bargain buy and why.

The winner will be selected on Monday, 17 March with the final decision being based solely on creativity of their response.

Good luck!