2 July 2014

How PR can be like learning to hike in a pair of heels

How PR is like learning to hike in a pair of heels

I’m not sure about the rest of you but when I chose the PR path, I was under the (false) impression that it was going to be cobbled with fancy pants parties, a whole bunch of freebies from luxury clients and an income that would mean Dior and Dolce would immediately become mere staples in a wardrobe decked out in designer threads.

Well, suffice to say, I was quickly shaken out of the Tree of Grandeur Illusion, thrust onto the road to reality and sent on my merry way.

During the time I’ve spent in the PR industry, I find myself at times likening it to what one could fathom it’s like learning to hike in a pair of heels; the journey has had its metaphorical moments of teetering, toppling and twisting ankles but you’re still always able to find a way to stand up, brush yourself off and continue to strut to the peak like a boss.

Both take some time to get used to

PR and hiking in heels are two things that can’t be solely taught from a textbook. It’s not like mathematics where 1+1 always equals two. So much of the skills required to achieve success can only be acquired by learning on your feet (pun totally intended) as you go. There will be moments where you’ll wonder why you thought it was worth it, but then a switch will flip and you won’t remember how you ever felt like it was anything less than second nature.

Both can (and will) be painful at some stage

During the journey, you will occasionally stumble upon instances that are more demanding or challenging than others. You may want to cry or quit or curl up with a tub of ice cream and host a one-person pity party but your survival instincts will kick in and you’ll fight through whatever ailment is troubling you, be it burn out or blisters. So grit your teeth, smack a smile on your dial and keep on keeping on; you’ll soon see the light at the end of the tunnel.

 Both will see you fall into a couple of pits and potholes

Falling on your face at some stage is a given but it’s about how you react to the stack that matters; you can either bounce up or break down. As the Japanese proverb goes, “fall seven times, get up eight times.” Use mistakes and stumbling blocks to better learn how to navigate around potential hazards and more successfully mitigate similar risks in the road. Because, trust me, you won’t topple down the same ditch twice.

 Both will toughen you up and test your resolve

Developing true character, compassion and genuine appreciation for success (and for life in general) doesn’t come from easy wins or by triumphing in a one-man race; they come from being pushed to your absolute limits and prevailing even though it sometimes seemed like everything was against you. If people tell you your dreams or ideas are impossible to achieve, go drink a cup of concrete (figuratively speaking, of course), harden your resolve and just prove them wrong.  Not only will they appreciate your tenacity; they outcome will be nothing but beneficial to your own development. 

Both will make success seem sweeter than you could ever have predicted

When you land that massive account you’ve put your entire soul into winning or you secure a game-changing chunk of coverage for a client, every single second you put into reaching that pinnacle will be worth its weight in positivity, pride and praise. You may be exhausted to the point of delirium but you will find whatever small speck of energy remains to kick up those same heels you’ve learnt how to hike up hills in so damn well.