1 November 2013

Just when I thought this was going to be awesome...

I wouldn't label myself a "feminist" per say. I'm more an "equalist" - when it comes to the corporate world, everyone should have fair opportunity regardless of their gender.

However, this still isn't the case in Australia (I don't want to totally blame strippers, prostitutes or other women who market themselves purely for the gratification of a male's sexual urges...but c'mon...I think it's more progressive for us to flaunt our brains over our boobs) and the glass ceiling is still squishing women down the ladder into a pool traditionally ideologies.

According to a study conducted earlier this year by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (clearly this shit is legit), men earn an average of 17.53% more than women in Australia.

Which means for every $100 I earn for having double X chromosomes my XY counterpart earns $117.53 (thank you iPhone calculator).

It doesn't seem like much as a raw figure...but when you take a female executive earning 100K a year compare to that over her male counterpart, this gap becomes blown out by epic proportions.

As in a difference of...math nerds say it with me...$17,530.

So as a woman, why the hell should I bother working as hard as a man to achieve significantly less in my bank account for my efforts?

It's a constant struggle between the principal and the pay check.

But today...I got excited. For like a millisecond. 

The first thing I do every morning as soon as my butt hits the seat of my desk chair and my computer starts up is check news.com.au because, working in PR, I always have to be on top of what's going on in the world of media.

In the midst of stories covering slutty celebrity Halloween costumes and the unspeakable shitty horror that some human beings (I say this loosely) inflict upon others (see http://www.news.com.au/world/executioners-in-saudi-and-egypt-tell-of-their-love-of-killing-people/story-fndir2ev-1226750992636), one specific article caught my attention...

20 jobs where women earn more than men.

"Here we go", I thought.

"Finally a silver lining; something that validates my ambition and inspires me to achieve more."

"Ohhhhh...What's number one, what's number one!?"

.............cue jaw drop.............

Domestic cleaner.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Nope. No jokes here.

Apparently, women earn 138% more then men when it comes to handling sponges, steel wool, vacuum cleaners and good ol' Ajax Spray N' Wipe.

Also rounding out the top five was "housekeepers".


It's 2013.

That's all I have to say.

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